Abuse is the final phase before addiction. This is the phase where individuals are prone to be addicted. The abuse of substances is primarily the intake of either alcohol or drugs. There are different purposes for taking these substances.
For some people, it helps them with reformation when it comes to their mental health problems. For others, they need these substances to deal with stress.
An adult who is addicted today certainly abused substances as a teenager. Addiction does not happen overnight, it is the end-result of abuse. A teenager who starts abusing substances finds it very difficult to quit.
The reason for this is, teenage years is a very critical point of their lives. It is the stage of development which determines to an extent, how the rest of their lives will play out.
So, whatever action they imbibe during this years will continue to modify and take shape as they get older.
Teenagers who abuse substances are also a source of grief to their parents and loved ones. Due to their ignorance, they would destroy good relationships in the process.
In preventing teens from abusing substances, the first step is proper awareness.
They need to realize the fact that people who abuse substances will have themselves to blame in the future. These set of people are putting a huge chunk of their health at risk, and it might result in their eventual death.
Also, teenagers need to be informed on the effect of substance abuse on their productivity, the paramount one being their academics.
Teenagers who abuse substances will find it hard to focus on their academics, because of the adverse effects of drugs and alcohol.
In addition, parents need to make sure that their teenagers move with the right set of people. Usually, teenagers who abuse substances were influenced by their peers.
Hence, by all means necessary, parents need to make sure that the friends of their teenagers are sober people with sober parents/guardians.
A teenager who is helped to quit the abuse of substances will certainly lead a good and healthy life.